A Visit to the Salt Grotto

What I think of when I think of a salt grotto: 1) a holistic cure for a common ailment in Renaissance Italy 2) a deep, cavernous setting of a heart-rending opera where the heroine’s blood blooms across the jagged daggers of salt 3) a hidden rendezvous for daring lovers secreted away between the blushing crystals […]


Growing up on the Atlantic has spoiled me in many ways. I sleep best close to the ocean where I can hear the waves and smell the salt in the air. I played in tide pools, surfed, and sailed as a kid and will take the shocking cold of the Atlantic over the tepid, chlorine […]


Lately I’ve been drinking coffee. It seems appropriate in Vienna where coffee is revered, however, I haven’t been drinking coffee like a true Viennese. Instead, I’ve been grabbing it on the go to stay awake during long days and I think I may be insulting the city with my paper cups and sprinkle of brown […]


The Ottakringer Brewery in the 16th district hosts a variety of different festivals, concerts, and events throughout the year. The Feschmarkt, an event that takes place at least twice a year in June and November, brings definitively indie/alternative Viennese artists together in a space with its very own style and flare – the artists set […]

A Fall Day on the Weinstrasse

Austria wears the seasons very well. Whether she be resplendent with blue skies, golden with falling leaves, sparkling with ice and snow, or flush with budding greenery, Austria is beautiful country. One need only travel the Weinstrasse through southern Styria to be reminded of this lest one forget amidst the bustle and rush of urban […]