Snowy With A Chance of Meatballs

Winter has finally arrived in Vienna and the cold drafts in my apartment have sent me scurrying to the kitchen for warmth! This time I tried my hand at an old classic – spaghetti and meatballs. I have only tried to prepare meatballs once before and the results were not overwhelmingly delicious which is why […]


Lately I’ve been drinking coffee. It seems appropriate in Vienna where coffee is revered, however, I haven’t been drinking coffee like a true Viennese. Instead, I’ve been grabbing it on the go to stay awake during long days and I think I may be insulting the city with my paper cups and sprinkle of brown […]

Cauliflower What?

There is nothing remotely Austrian about fettuccine alfredo. Come to think of it, I’m not sure if there is anything truly Italian about fettuccine alfredo either – but Americans certainly enjoy it! and it is featured in many Italian-American restaurants. Typically the dish consists of pasta that has been tossed in cheese, butter, and cream […]

Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can, the musical featuring the true life of Frank William Abagnale, Jr., is pure fun and a must see! Leonardo DiCaprio made the role famous in the film version released in 2002 which was then followed by a 2011 Broadway opening. The German-language show is currently on stage in Vienna at […]

Happy New Year!

Here is a story that I wrote for a WorldNomads travel writing competition last year. The challenge was to write about understanding a culture through food and I just so happened to tell a story about ringing in the New Year in Vienna. This year I will be ringing in the New Year at Vienna’s […]