Hallelujah Spaghetti Carbonara

I have finally perfected the glory that is a truly delicious carbonara. All of these years I have been operating under the misconception that a carbonara is rife with milk, cream, butter, insert lactose-intolerant nightmare here…but no, it’s actually much simpler than that. In fact, a carbonara IS simple. There are very few ingredients, very […]

Mauthausen Memorial

I recently visited the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp memorial in Upper Austria (closer to Linz than Vienna). The experience was both surreal and highly educational – I recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning more about the history and characteristics of national socialism in Austria during World War II. I also recommend taking a […]

A Visit to the Salt Grotto

What I think of when I think of a salt grotto: 1) a holistic cure for a common ailment in Renaissance Italy 2) a deep, cavernous setting of a heart-rending opera where the heroine’s blood blooms across the jagged daggers of salt 3) a hidden rendezvous for daring lovers secreted away between the blushing crystals […]


Growing up on the Atlantic has spoiled me in many ways. I sleep best close to the ocean where I can hear the waves and smell the salt in the air. I played in tide pools, surfed, and sailed as a kid and will take the shocking cold of the Atlantic over the tepid, chlorine […]

Restaurant Week Comes to Vienna!

Restaurant Week has become an institution in cities all over the world. I had my first Restaurant Week experience many moons ago in Burlington, Vermont and I am very happy to see that the sentiment is shared across oceans – particularly in a city like Vienna where the culinary delights abound. Restaurant Week is simply […]

Ball Season Is Upon Us

Vienna is the waltzing capital of the world and ball season has arrived in full swing! I am amazed at the array of different balls there are to attend: provincial balls like Der Steirerball (Styria), university balls including one at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna!, professional balls like the ZuckerbaeckerballĀ (Baker’s Ball – yum!), alternatives to […]

Snowy With A Chance of Meatballs

Winter has finally arrived in Vienna and the cold drafts in my apartment have sent me scurrying to the kitchen for warmth! This time I tried my hand at an old classic – spaghetti and meatballs. I have only tried to prepare meatballs once before and the results were not overwhelmingly delicious which is why […]


Lately I’ve been drinking coffee. It seems appropriate in Vienna where coffee is revered, however, I haven’t been drinking coffee like a true Viennese. Instead, I’ve been grabbing it on the go to stay awake during long days and I think I may be insulting the city with my paper cups and sprinkle of brown […]