Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can, the musical featuring the true life of Frank William Abagnale, Jr., is pure fun and a must see! Leonardo DiCaprio made the role famous in the film version released in 2002 which was then followed by a 2011 Broadway opening. The German-language show is currently on stage in Vienna at […]


The Ottakringer Brewery in the 16th district hosts a variety of different festivals, concerts, and events throughout the year. The Feschmarkt, an event that takes place at least twice a year in June and November, brings definitively indie/alternative Viennese artists together in a space with its very own style and flare – the artists set […]

Hafen Open Air

I recently had the good fortune to come across the Hafen Open Air Austrian Music Festival, a two-day event bringing together talented musicians from both Austria and Germany. I hesitate to say that the festival is located in Vienna. Instead, I’ll say that it is located on the extreme outskirts of the city (read: when asked […]

Ode to Vienna

This blog will be my ode to Vienna; to living in a city that is equal parts concert and coffin, city and sanctuary.